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Interactive drawing

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Data binding

We can bind datas to component props as Vue.js’ function, of course. If bound data is reactive (watched by Vue.js), VglRenderer component will re-render objects when the watchers detect meaningful changes.

<!-- The antialias prop gets true. -->
<vgl-renderer id="ex-1" :antialias="smooth"></vgl-renderer>

  new Vue({
    el: '#ex-1',
    data: {
      smooth: true,

Working with form inputs

To handle user inputs, bind datas to both forms and VueGL components. The example blow handles user input as zCoordinate and bind it to the VglMesh component. The mesh moves following the slider input value.

<div id="ex-2">
  <vgl-renderer camera="camera" scene="scene">
    <vgl-sphere-geometry name="sphere"></vgl-sphere-geometry>
    <vgl-scene name="scene">
      <!-- Re-rendering will be triggered when zCoordinate changes. -->
      <vgl-mesh :position="`0 0 ${zCoordinate}`" geometry="sphere"></vgl-mesh>
    <vgl-perspective-camera orbit-position="10 0 0" name="camera"></vgl-perspective-camera>
  <!-- User can handles zCoordinate via this range input. -->
  <input type="range" v-model="zCoordinate" min="-5" max="5">
  new Vue({
    el: '#ex-2',
    data: {
      zCoordinate: 0,

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