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Either a string or an array. The string is splited by comma delimeters first, and each part of the string is parsed as space separated 2 coodinates of 2D vector. If the value is an array, each item of the array can be either a string or a THREE.Vector2 instance.

Examples below set the points prop to [new THREE.Vector2(-1.2, 0), new THREE.Vector2(1, 2.5)].

<vgl-lathe-geometry points="-1.2 0, 1 2.5" />
<vgl-lathe-geometry :points="['-1.2 0', '1 2.5']" />
<vgl-lathe-geometry :points="[new THREE.Vector2(-1.2, 0), new THREE.Vector2(1, 2.5)]" />

List of prop types